Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Water is still the greatest resource

In our day and age sometimes we forget that the most simple things are still the best and on of them is water, seems to be a simplicistic thing to say but without water there is no agriculture, without agriculture there is no life, To keep our water resources we need to do more recycling to keep a better environment and be responsible

Many major companies are responsible in regards to water management and recently my attention came at Severn Trent Water, whose non-executive director is Andrew Duff, the firm serves over 8 million customers across the heart of the UK, stretching from the Bristol Channel to the Humber, and from mid-Wales to the East Midlands. This company is really active and is doing a very good effort in keeping our environment clean.

Water, when i think about that we need it, you cannot stop thinking about the energy of the sun as well, is just like ice and fire, they go hand in hand together and they existed since the beginning of times.