Within the scope of the following guide, the system voltage direct current (DC) should not exceed 1500V.
Technical Requirements
For the purposes of fire prevention in PV systems must be designed, constructed and maintained to perfection.
If the plants are run at the technical documents issued by the IEC (rules and guidelines) and / or intemational standardization bodies, they are made of the art.ln addition, all components must be in accordance with Community or national regulations. ln particular, the PV module must be in accordance with CEI EN 61730-1 and IEC 61730-2.
The installation must be executed so as to avoid the spread of a fire by the photovoltaic generator to the building in which it is embedded. This condition is considered fulfilled when the photovoltaic system, built-in construction, to be installed on structures and elements of coverage and / or façade incombustible (Class 0 or Class according to DM 26/06/1984 A1 according to the DM 10/03/2005).
Is also equivalent interposed between the photovoltaic modules and the support surface, a layer of material resistance to fire at least 30 and El incombustible (Class 0 according to DM 26/06/1984 or class A1 according to the MD 10 / 03/2005).
As an alternative may be a specific assessment of the risk of fire spread, taking into account the class of fire resistance of roofs and exteriors of the roof covering (according EN 13501-5:2009 UNl fire classification of products and building elements construction - Part 5: Classification according to the results of exposure of roofs to external fire a second ENV 1187:2 OO7) and the reaction to fire of the photovoltaic module certified in accordance with the procedures described in the decree of 10 March all'2 2005 on "reaction to fire classes for building products" to be used in the works for which this requirement of safety in case of fire.
The location of the modules and electrical conduit should also always ensure proper operation and maintenance of eventuari smoke and heat (EFC), and amendments take into account, based on the analysis of fire risk, the existence of possible routes of delivery of fire (skylights, chimneys, etc..).
At any rate modules, piping, drives, pictures and any other equipment must not be installed within 1 m from the EFC.Also, in the presence of vertical partitioning, fire places in the underlying asset to the support surface of the photovoltaic system, the same shall be at least 1 m from the projection thimbles element.
The PV system must also have the following characteristics:
• Be equipped with a control device for an emergency, located in and accessible position signaled that determines the disconnection of the electrical system, withincompartment / Building towards power sources, including the photovoltaic system.
• in the presence of gases, vapors, mists or dusts, in order to avoid electrical hazards determined from the start, you must install the part of the current system, including inverter, outside of areas classified according to D. Decree 81/2008 - Appendix XLIX;
• in areas with danger of explosion due to the presence of explosive material, the photovoltaic generator and all components in the atria current constituentspotential sources of ignition must be installed at distances of safety established by the applicable technical standards;
• The components must not be installed in areas known as "safe places" to DM 30/11/1983 sensidel, or be a hindrance to the escape routes;
• supporting structures, in order to meet the performance levels against the fire under MD 09/03/2007, must be verified and documented takingaccount the changed conditions of the structural loads on the roof, due to the presence of the photovoltaic generator, also with reference to DM 14/01/2008 "Technical standards for construction".Please note that for non-combustible canopies of service stations is no requirement for fire resistance.
Will be acquired pursuant to the declaration of the whole photovoltaic system and not the individual parts, according to DM 37/2008. For systems with nominal power above 20 kW should be acquired documentation required by Circular Letter Ml Prot. P515/4101 subt. 72/E.6 of April 24, 2008 and subsequent amendments and additions.
Periodically and any change, extension or change in operation will be performed and documented inspections for fire risk of the photovoltaic system, with particular attention to joints and fastening systems.
Safety signs
The area where is located the generator and its accessories, if available, must be marked with appropriate signs conforming to D. Decree 81/2008. The aforementionedsignage must be marked:
• The above-mentioned signs, resistant to ultraviolet rays, must be installed every 10 meters from the pipeline.
• In the case of photovoltaics on the roof of these buildings, such signs shall be installed at all access gates to thebuilding.
• The disconnecting the emergency will be identified with the provision of safety under Title V of D.Lgs.81/08.
Protection of operators
In regards the protection of operators Fire Department refer to what is stated in the note PROTEM 622/867 of 18/02/2011, regarding "Procedures in case of intervention in the presence of photovoltaic panels and operator safety fire."We note that has been taken into account the installation of devices for isolating groups of modules, operated from a distance, but to date it requires mandatory as it is not known reliability over time, or was issued a specific legislation that regulates the construction, operation and certification.
Existing systems
The photovoltaic systems, places in operation before the entry into force of this guide and service activity subject to fire prevention inspections, require,only, the obligations imposed by paragraph 6 of article. 4 of the DPR No 151 of August 1, 2011.ln general, such installations shall be provided for among other things:
• the presence and capabilities of the device of the emergency control;
• the application of safety signs and inspections referred to in the preceding paragraph.