Thursday, 16 February 2012

Yet another post about global warming

Is almost a fact that on Mars we are not going to find crowded cities and suffocated by smog. And is gonna be pretty difficult to find oil refineries when we will go to explore the icy Pluto and Triton, icy moon of Neptune. Nor it is conceivable to expect to see on Jupiter highways crowded with cars wrapped in the fumes of the exhaust pipes. Yet these planets, like Earth, are heating up!

But if man, at least in this case, is not to blame, who is resposinble for the interplanetary warming?

The biggest culprit seems to be the Sun. In fact often mistakenly we are led to believe that the activities of our star are constant in time, or at least undergo changes only on a very long time, when in fact the energy it emits into the space in all directions over the years and decades undergoes periodic variations very small percentage, but still be able to influence the Earth's climate. The winds and all major weather phenomena thrive on the heat in the form of electromagnetic radiation coming from the Sun: the amount of energy in the amount that reaches our atmosphere is on average estimated at approximately 1367 watts per square meter.

Global warming would have serious consequences for all ecosystems, in particular, could cause the melting of polar ice caps and cause a sharp rise in average sea level.

The chief executive of RWE npower andrew duff talks global warming and nuclear power about this important and very actual topic of interest.